Client testimonial

“I am not only clearer about performance, but I have also learned some tricks about virtual presentation. HRSS provides expert authentic consulting services, as well as excellent facilitation in learning and development. I definitely recommend them for all round human resources services for any medium to large enterprise.”


“I was particularly impressed at the speed at which they were able to develop tailored training solutions, as well as the quality thereof. I am happy to recommend HRSS, as they always got the job done and always deliver excellent service. I believe that their experience across industries and in-depth people skills sets them a notch above the rest. SEIFSA has extended its agreement with HRSS for another three years, beginning in January 2022.”

Global Training and Consultancy Services

“In my capacity as founder of Global Training and Consultancy Services, I have worked with HRSS (as an alliance partner) over the last two years ,and in 2021 HRSS gave a lecture at the university in Malta on women equality at the workplace as part of a gender and social policy course. I am happy to recommend HRSS, as they always deliver excellent services, and are very competent and passionate about the topics.”